The Nin-in-Eilph is the fourth Adventure Pack in The Ring-maker cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. After slipping out of the ancient, ruined city of Thread, past a host of Orcs and spies, several of Middle-earth's greatest heroes begin a journey through the Nin-in-Eilph and its treacherous marshlands. They seek a hidden site on the other side of the marsh, in Hollin, which is rumored to be full of powerful secrets that may provide the White Council some means to work against the Dark Lord. However, your heroes have no time to lose because the Dark Lord's servants have also learned of the hidden location within Hollin. Among its sixty new cards, which also include a new hero and three copies of each new player card, The Nin-in-Eilph introduces a deadly new scenario that challenges players to explore and survive the swamps of the Nin-in-Eilph. Full of deadly Creatures, the swamps haven't been travelled for an age and no paths exist to lead your heroes through the shifting bogs. You'll also find a new hero and three copies of each new player card, several of which permit new interactions with the first player token, representing the leadership and assistance that other companions can offer.
- The fourth Adventure Pack in The Ring-maker cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
- Continues the cycle's ongoing narrative as it challenges Middle-earth's heroes to outrace the Dark Lord's servants while they navigate a deadly bog
- Introduces a new hero and player cards for each of the game's four spheres of influence
- Touches upon the themes of guidance and leadership with player cards that permit new interactions with the first player token