"Avast ye, mateys! Lookit thar! It be a chest of gold! But how to divvy up th' loot? Aye! Draw yer cards and watch out for yer hornswagglin' mateys! Gamblin' be th' pirate way! (in a pirate font) Pirate 21 is competitive card game for 2-6 players. Each player tries to get 21 without going over. Sound familiar? It is, but in this version of 21 you have Pirates that can knock an opponent out of the round, Mates & Captains that can swap cards and Princesses to defend you. Draw your cards, and bring your best trash-talking pirate voice to the table."
- Pirate 21 is a competitive card game for 2-6 players.
- Pirate 21 offers a twist on blackjack.
- Cards have abilities that can knock players out of the round, swap and defend against other Pirates!