Try to get rid of all your cards so you don't take any markers, but if you can't you have a real di-llama—should I pick another card or quit? Maybe you can play that card later, but if not you've just hurt your score. The player with the fewest markers wins in this game with the name that says it all: Don't let llamas and markers accumulate!
- AGES 8+ | 2-6 PLAYERS: Great for your next family game night or adult party
- EASY TO LEARN: The familiar game play and unique scoring system are simple to learn but challenging for adults and kids alike
- CONVENIENT CARD PACK: The compact size makes it convenient for travel and a great gift for both kids and adults
- AWARD NOMINATED: In 2019, L.L.A.M.A. was one of just three games nominated for the prestigious Spiel Des Jahres (Game of the Year) award. It was designed by well-known inventor Reiner Knizia who has published 600+ games!
- HOW TO PLAY: Play cards to continue a sequence but collect markers for cards you’re unable to play. If you get rid of all your cards, you get rid of a marker, too
- INCLUDES: 50 Linen-finish Cards, 70 Markers, Illustrated Instructions (with access to How-to-Play videos)